Tag Archives: black german

Research on Post-WW II Mixed-Race Children

Photo credit: ©Julie Skarratt

Research on Post-World War II Mixed-Race Children of Germany

Alexis Clark, author, and free-lance journalist is passionate about uncovering the history of mixed-race children born to African American soldiers and German women in post-World War II Germany.

BGCS has shared her articles on Mabel Grammer and the Brown Babies for The New York Times and The History Channel, respectively (see links below).

She would love to interview those that fit the criteria of being a “mixed-race child born to an African American soldier and a German woman” in post-World War II Germany for her book research.

For background information, Ms. Clark has provided her bio, as well as the links to the articles she has written on the subject matter.

If interested, please contact her directly. She will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Black German Cultural Society Display at Black History & Culture Showcase


BGCS™ German ‘Brown Baby’ Exhibit. The display of post WWII Afro-German children has become a popular exhibit at the Black History and Culture Showcase in Philadelphia , PA. Hundreds of people flock to hear about the mixed-race children fathered by African American soldiers in post-WWII Germany; many of whom were adopted by African American families and immigrated to the United States.

Black History Month: Afro-German Actor & Singer: Günther Kauffman

Günther Kaufmann, Afro-German Actor & Singer
(June 16, 1947 – May 10, 2012)

600full-gunther-kaufmannGünther Kaufmann (16 June 1947 – 10 May 2012), was what the Germans call a “Besatzungskind” (war or occupation child), one of thousands of children born between 1945 and 1949 as a result of relationships between German women and American soldiers. The son of an African American soldier and a German mother, Günther Kaufmann was born in June 1947 in the Hasenbergl district of Munich. Kaufmann’s father, whom he never knew, returned to the US before he was born in Munich. As a Mischlingskinder (mixed race child), he faced a difficult childhood and youth in postwar West Germany.

“The White Negro of Hasenberg, is the title of his autobiography. In the 70s and 80s, he starred in 16 Rainer-Werner Fassbinder films, including “Berlin Alexanderplatz,” “The Marriage of Maria Braun” and “Querelle”. In the ’90s he had roles in TV series including “Derrick” and “The Old Man”.

In November 2002, for the love of his terminally ill wife, he falsely confessed to causing the death of his accountant, Hartmut Hagen, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He confessed to the deed even though he was not guilty because he wanted to protect his cancer-stricken third wife, Alexandra, who had induced three accomplices to carry out the crime. By deception, she had received a loan of 850,000 marks from the accountant, who later pressed for its return. He was later killed after three men entered his house to destroy incriminatory evidence; Kaufmann wanted to spare his wife the ordeal of dying in prison.

After spending almost three years in prison, he was released in 2005 after the real criminals were exposed. The following year he was in court again because his original false statement had resulted in two others being held on remand. He was given a suspended sentence of 22 months.

After his release, he resumed his career, notably performing in the German children’s films “Vicky the Viking” (2009) and Michael “Bully” Herbig’s, the “Terrible Sven.”

Kaufmann, was a singer as well, which was showcased in three of Fassbinder’s films. He sang the opening theme song for Whity. However, his best song was, “So Much Tenderness,” written by Peer Raben and Fassbinder.

Kaufmann died on the evening of 10 May 2012 at the age of 64 having suffered a heart attack while out for a walk in the Grunewald locality of Berlin. A passer-by and paramedics tried to resuscitate him on site for two hours.

He is survived by his son, Davy and daughter Eva.

Filmography: IMBd

Tribute to Günther Kaufmann by Tyron Ricketts, Black German Actor, Musician & Activist

Günther Kaufmann & son David Kaufmann, a Musician and Entertainer

Promis beim Berliner Presseball

We Honor & Remember Mr. Günther Kaufmann!