BGCS Books
Highly recommended books about Black German/ Afro-German history and experiences.

Designed by Foster and Partners as part of the campus renovation, the 68,000-square-foot Philology Library houses some 700,000 books and consolidated 11 departmental libraries that had been scattered throughout the campus previously. Part of the Freie Universität Berlin Library which comprises the University Library and around 40 departmental libraries with a total holdings of around 8 million printed items, 38,000 e-journals, 400,000 e-books, and 1300 databases, it was completed in 2005 and became an architectural jewel for both the University and the City of Berlin itself.
A Breath of Freedom: The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GI’s, and Germany by Maria Hoehn and Martin Klimke
A Question of Color by Daniel Cardwell
Between 2 Races and Life Quotes by Tammy LC by Tammy Lisa Carmen St Clair
Black Nazis II! (Ethnic Minorities and Foreigners in Hitler’s Armed Forces: An Unbiased History by Veronica Kuzniar-Clark
Blues in Schwarz Weiss by May Ayim
Children of the Liberation, by Marion Kraft
Cinema in Democratizing Germany: Reconstructing National Identity After Hitler by Heide Fehrenbach
Destined To Witness: Growing Up Black In Nazi Germany by Hans J. Massaquoi
Euer Schweigen schuetzt Euch nicht (Your Silence Will Not Protect You) by Peggy Piesche
Feeling Counterfeit by Heather Proffer
Germany’s Black Holocaust: 1890 – 1945 by Firpo W. Carr
GI’s and Frauleins: The German-American Encounter in the 1950’s West Germany by Maria Hohn
Grenzenlos und Unverschaemt: Die Frau in der Gesellschaft by May Ayim
Hanschen Klein, Ging Allein – Mein Weg in die neue Welt by Hans J. Massaquoi
Hitler’s Black Victim’s: The Historical Experiences of European Blacks, Africans and African Americans During the Nazi Eraby Clarence Lusane
Hitler’s Victims: The German Army Massacres of Black French Soldiers in 1940 by Raffael Scheck
Homestory Deutschland: Schwarze Biografien in Geschichte und Gegenwart by the Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland e.V.
Image Matters by Tina M. Campt
Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany by Ika Hugel-Marshall
It’s not always Black and White: Caught Between Two Worlds by Dr. John Reed
Mixed Blessing by Doris McMillon
Mythen, Masken und Subjekte Kritsche Weissseinsforschung in Deutschland by Maureen Maisha Eggers, Grada Kilombe, Peggy Piesche, and Susan Arndt
Neger, Neger, Schornsteinfeger – Meine Kindheit in Deutschland by Hans J. Massaquoi
Not So Plain as Black and White, Afro-German Culture and History, 1890 – 2000 edited by Patricia Mazon and Reinhild Steingroever
Other Germans: Black Germans and the Politics of Race, Gender, and Memory in the Third Reich by Tina M. Campt
Plantation Memories: Episodes of Everyday Racism by Grada Kilomba
Race after Hitler: Black Occupation Children in Postwar Germany and America by Heide Fehrenbach
Race under Reconstruction in German Cinema: Robert Stemmle’s Toxi (German and European Studies” by Angelica Fenner
Rasse und Rassimus in der Filmpropaganda gegen die ‘schwarze Schmach’ 1920-1923 Eds. Hella Hertzfeldt and Katrin Schaefgen
Recasting Race after WWII: Germans and African American Occupied Germany by Timothy L. Schroer
Revelations of a Suffering Servant by Rudi Richardson
Showing Our Colors: Afro-German Women Speak Out by May Opitz
Split At The Root: A Memoir of Love and Lost Identity by Catana Tully
State of Progress: Germans and Blacks in America over 300 Years Edited by Randall M. Miller
The Imperialist Imagination: German Colonialism and Its Legacy – Blacks, Germans, and the Politics of Imperialist Imagination, 1920-1960 Eds. Sara Friedrichsmeyer, Sara Lennox, and Susanne Zantop
The Other Victims: First-Person Stories of Non-Jews Persecuted by the Nazis by Ina R. Friedman
The Whorl According to My Gospel by Rudi Richardson
Too Brown to Keep: A Search for Love, Forgiveness and Healing by Judy Frambough-Billingsley
Unbreakable by Angie Gold
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